Monday, August 31, 2009


I decided that I wanted a blog where I would just talk about what's on my mind. I could have done a My Space or Facebook, I guess, but that's not so much my style. Expect to see entries about politics, the arts, current events, or whatever I'm thinking about right now. I won't use the space to spill my guts -- nothing too personal. I will talk about my art and what I'm doing there, but that's about the extend of personal information. Some entries will be short, others may be a bit long. I probably won't have an entry every day.

I doubt that anyone will be really interested, but I'll throw it out there and see what happens.

Feel free to comment. I am always open to other viewpoints and more information, but --please -- keep you comments civil. I will delete any that are rude.

Hope you find it interesting and do come back to see what's going on.
